

NEPR is a non-profit organization that allows all donations to be tax-deductible.

Our organization re-homes approximately 70 Great Pyrenees per year. Many of these dogs need foster care including medical attention, food and housing.

In some cases, these Pyrs need physical, emotional or behavioral rehabilitation and remain in foster care several months so these needs can be met. The physical and emotional trauma of neglect or abuse can heal. We allow the time and care for this healing to take place in nurturing foster care environments. In this way, we place Pyrs, in our area, on a new path to a full life

NEPR must have ample funding to provide the care that we are dedicated to deliver. Your contributions allow us to continue our work and are GREATLY appreciated.

There are several categories for donations:

Our farm has formed a non-profit organization together with many farms. The purpose is to make online shopping faster and better for everyone. Reached with many merchants or. At present, the most popular are fake rolex, which are of good quality and cheap.

General Fund – This fund assists with the day to day care of Pyrs in foster care as well as routine medical expenses such as spay/neuters, routine vaccines etc. Donations in any amount are welcome. For example, keep in mind a donation of $25.00 provides food and housing for a Great Pyrenees for one whole week. Future Kennel fund project donations can also be made here.


The Remy Fund – NEPR is committed to assuring that no worthy Great Pyrenees will ever be euthanized for a medical or surgical problem if that treatment allows for a return to a full, high quality and pain-free life. These specially designated monies assist Pyrs with extenuating medical or surgical issues to receive proper treatment. Most rescue organizations do not share this commitment. Therefore, dogs with medical/surgical needs greater than $200-$300 are euthanized.


Monarch Memorial Fund – In memory of Monarch, help support Great Pyrenees that have complex issues and/or have been seriously abused.


Catastrophic Fund – In every area there is the potential for catastrophe to Strike! Catastrophe can occur from a natural disaster, as we saw with Katrina or can occur when a large number of Pyrs are abandoned or found neglected. NEPR has established a fund for this purpose in our area.


Or if you wish, you can identify the Fund you desire and Send checks to:

P.O. Box 704
Lee, MA 01238


We now also can accept donations via VENMO.  Look for Northeast Pyr Rescue